Saturday, May 23, 2020

Hornets and Eternity

Last week Dom and I went on a motorcycle ride.  We each rode our own bike and could talk to each other by intercom.  We had a lovely time and were headed home happened.
Me and 'Little Blue'

A hornet crawled up into my helmet.

I could see it sitting on the inside of my visor on the right side!

I started yelling!  Dom quickly turned around and saw what I couldn't see.  I had started steering towards the ditch on my right side.  If you know anything about riding a motorcycle, you always look where you want to go because where you look dictates where you go!  He yelled to me "Look Up!  Look Up!"  but what I actually heard was "Stop!"

I obeyed what I thought I heard and stopped.

I was able to open my visor and free the hornet without getting stung.

That's when I looked up and saw my position and how close I was to the ditch.  If I had continued on the path I had taken I would have had long-lasting injuries and damage to the bike.

I thanked the Lord and we got home safely!

In life, this happens.  We are doing great and seem to be right on track when something happens.  A sickness, a job loss, a lost relationship, a war, a vice.  Something that looks so terrible and takes up our focus.  We start looking at that problem and don't realize we're steering into something worse than the problem we have.

God sees the whole picture and knows we should stop heading in the direction we've started on.  The difference is, problem or no, everyone is headed towards that ditch without 'looking up' to Jesus and following him.

We get distracted by momentary troubles that make us forget that we are headed towards eternity.  God reminds us that if we just look up it will re-direct us.  Jesus took the sting out of death and provided a safe path for us to follow to an eternity in Heaven.  He also provided an example of how to look past our present situations to eternity.

Listen to Him, follow Him and it'll save your life and re-direct your eternity.

Hebrews 12:1-2
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."

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